Recorder Solos in
Own Library
Last updated: 06.08.24
By Setting Solos | Duets | Trios | Quartets | Quintets | Sextets | Septets | Octets + |
Composer Title Setting Remarks
Anon Greensleeves to a Ground D/Harp. cd15.gifcd15.gifsmp_unav15.gif youtube15.jpg
J.S. Bach Twenty Passages From Flute Parts in the Church Cantatas A
J. Baston Concertino Nr. 6 in D (1730) D/Piano audiomidi15.gif
J. Baston Concerto Nr. 2 (1730) D/Piano cd15.gifsmp_unav15.gif
H. Bodenmann Blockflöten-ABC D smp_unav15.gif
L. de Caix d'Hervelois Suite in G Major D/Piano cd15.gifsmp_logo_88_white.gif
N. Chédeville Suite ''La Presidente'' D(A)/Piano smp_unav15.gif
F. Couperin Eight Pieces D
J. Fischer Suite in G (1700) D(T)/Piano
E.H. Grieg Grieg Suite, A D/Piano
G.F. Handel Sonata and Allegro D(A) smp_unav15.gif
G.F. Handel Sonata in B Flat D/Piano
J. Hook Sonata in G Major D/Piano smp_logo_88_white.gif
A. Hopkins Suite For Descant and Piano D/Piano smp_unav15.gif
J.M. Hotteterre Echos A smp_unav15.gif
R. King  Andante Cantabile T(D)/Piano smp_unav15.gif
H-M Linde Die kleine Übung D smp_unav15.gif
Miscellaneous 50 Famous Melodies For Descant Recorder D
Miscellaneous Aus Alt-England: Old English Airs and Dances A/Piano
Miscellaneous Great Descant Solos Vol. 1 D dbe15.gif
Miscellaneous Great Tenor Solos Vol. 1 T dbe15.gif
Miscellaneous Great Tenor Solos Vol. 2 T dbe15.gif
Miscellaneous Great Treble Solos Vol. 1 A dbe15.gif
Miscellaneous Great Treble Solos Vol. 2 A dbe15.gif
Miscellaneous Great Treble Solos Vol. 3 A dbe15.gif
Miscellaneous Manuscript Music Book A
Miscellaneous Seven English Pieces S/Piano
Miscellaneous Spielstücke für Blockflöte und Gittarre D(A)/Guit./Guit. cd15.gifsmp_unav15.gif
W.A. Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik D/Piano
J.C. Pepusch Sonata in G D(T)/Piano smp_unav15.gif
R. Salkeld First Concert Pieces D/Piano smp_unav15.gif
G. Sammartini  Concerto in F D/Piano cd15.gifcd15.gifcd15.gifcd15.gif
J. Strauss Strauss Album D
A. Sullivan Tunes From His Operas Book I D
T. Waller Wildcat Blues (1923) A(T) audiodbemp315.gifcd15.gifcd15.gifcd15.gifcd15.gifdbe15.gifyoutube15.jpg
P. Wenrich Twelve Tenor Solos T dbe15.gif